Monday, April 7, 2008


Alright, did something stupid and now my laptop got infected from that previous laptop. I plugged in the store jumpdrive to my laptop (for reasons I can't even remember) and boom, Norton activates teling me its blocking a trojan. My heart sinks as it continues to attack and Norton keeps blocking it. I look to see where its coming from and it looks like a hidden partition that Sony uses for reverting back to default.

I run every type of scan feasible, AVG, Norton, Spybot S&D, and Ad-Aware 2007. Nothing finds it. I decide to restart and see if its just Norton giving me a false positive. Its not. It finds two problems that it can't clean on the hidden partition during a Norton auto-scan. the problem is that the partition is called device\ as opposed to having a letter like C:\. I run mmc and add in disk management and find the partition, but I cant access it or do anything to it. I resort to using system restore. I run it, and now Nortons auto-scan isn't working. A few days later, I decide to look at the services I have selected to start, turns out a Norton service got turned off... I reactivate it and restart. It's running again. So it looks like all is well now and we have a extra step were taking with the store jumdrive.

Lesson learned: DO NOT OPEN A JUMPDRIVE WITHOUT SCANNING (be sure to update beforehand) IT FIRST!

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